
The first British robot, Eric, was exhibited  in 1928 at the Model Engineers Society in London. Eric could sit, stand, and  delivered a speech via radio signal.


Uma das principais alternativas ao WhatsApp.


The first British robot, Eric, was exhibited  in 1928 at the Model Engineers Society in London. Eric could sit, stand, and  delivered a speech via radio signal.


Funciona como rede social, sendo possível compartilhar histórias com músicas e vídeo.


The first British robot, Eric, was exhibited  in 1928 at the Model Engineers Society in London. Eric could sit, stand, and  delivered a speech via radio signal.


Suas chamadas por áudio possuem uma qualidade superior ao WhatsApp


The first British robot, Eric, was exhibited  in 1928 at the Model Engineers Society in London. Eric could sit, stand, and  delivered a speech via radio signal.


Criado para unir comunidades de gamers, mas evoluiu e se tornou uma ferramenta para todos.

Google Chat

The first British robot, Eric, was exhibited  in 1928 at the Model Engineers Society in London. Eric could sit, stand, and  delivered a speech via radio signal.


Entre as funções que fazem o Google Chat se destacar estão a instalação de bots e o recurso “Não perturbe”.